Thursday, January 14, 2016

Episode ONE 1-15-16

Episode One of the Rochester PRODcast:

This weeks episode: ACTING!

Watch Season One at

Che Holloway
Rochester native CHE HOLLOWAY talks about his role in Dark Justice, acting and how perseverance is a useful tool in an actor's arsenal. He's the real deal and knows exactly where he came from and where he's going. Check out his website for more about Che.

From the Web to the stage....

Left to Right: Laura Gragtmans (Ruth), Scott Fitzgerald
and Toni DiBuono (Clara)

Geva Theatre Center's production of Buffalo playwright Tom Dudzick's Miracle on South Division Street is something you should make a point to see before it closes on Feb. 7th.

It is warm, funny and super-relatable, especially if you come from a Catholic family. Yes, I laughed. Yes, I cried! I'm not too proud to admit that this play crawled inside my childhood and rummaged through my memories. Themes almost all of us can identify with: family, religion, regrets, fears and the unconditional love of a mother.

I get to chat with these talented actors about trying to make a living as a working actor, when they first decided that acting was for them and other insights. 

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